Chisomo in Malawi

When a child is born with clubfoot, challenges abound not just for the child, but also for the parents. Some parents may have adverse reactions to the condition, while others may use it as an opportunity for growth. This is certainly true in the case of Chisomo, who is currently receiving clubfoot treatment at a Hope Walks partner clinic in Malawi.

During the casting phase of her treatment, Chisomo’s father could not bear the sight of her daughter in a cast. Because of the stigma surrounding clubfoot in his culture, he was filled with shame and complained excessively about the treatment. He even refused to be seen with his daughter and eventually decided to withdraw his support for the treatment.

Chisomo’s mother Emma, however, was the total opposite of her husband. She was hopeful for her daughter to be healed and was determined to see her through the entire medical procedure. Filling in for her husband, she took on full responsibility for Chisomo’s treatment and made sure her daughter received proper care. With no income, however, it was difficult. Emma is one of the moms that has been helped financially with a special transportation grant that ensures she is able to make it to the clinics on the recommended schedule.

“I thank God that he made me to be a strong woman,” Emma said. “And I thank the team here for your encouragement and love.”

Today, Chisomo wears a brace to maintain the correction made to her foot in the casting phase. The trials faced by Emma and her daughter have drawn her closer to God and have shown the Father’s love for all of his children.