
Contact Information

Phone: +251 921345766


Social Media: @HWEthiopia


Clubfoot Population Enrolled




Enrolled Since the Program Began


Annual Clubfoot Births

Country Staff

Endashawu Abera

Program Manager

For Endashawu, seeing kids successfully treated with clubfoot is his greatest joy in working for Hope Walks. Through the process, he sees many broken families mended through the process of sharing Christ’s love. 

He has worked with the clubfoot program since 2014 and previously worked as a senior physical therapist at Dilchora Referral Hospital Dire Dawa. He holds a BSc in Physiotherapy and a MSc in Health Informatics.

Endashawu has one girl and two boys with his beautiful wife. In his spare time, he likes to read and study scripture.

Fasika Bekele

Clinical Supervisor

Fasika has a passion to serve people, especially children, which makes Hope Walks a dream job for him. His greatest joy is seeing the families overwhelmed with happiness when they see their child treated. He has worked with Hope Walks since 2014. Previously, he worked for Cheshire Services Ethiopia. Faskia holds a BSC Physiotherapy from the University of Gondar and is a candidate of Master of Project Management from Rift Valley University.

Daniel Getachew

Clinical Supervisor

Seeing the transformation of a child’s foot from twisted to straight is one of Daniel’s greatest joys about working for Hope Walks. But he also likes to older children who have now graduated from the treatment program walking on straight feet. Prior to working with Hope Walks, Daniel worked for Humanity Inclusion and Cheshire Ethiopia. He holds a BSC degree in Physiotheraphy from the University of Gondar. When not working on correcting kids’ feet, he might be found playing his guitar or attending church programs.

Meaza Mekonnen

Counseling Coordinator

For Meaza, the most best part of being a councelor is knowing how you are affecting someone else’s life for the good and giving hope to the hopeless. Inspiring others to be all that they are capable of being, so that they can go out into the world and pay it forward by helping others keeps her going each day. Meaza began her work with Hope Walks in 2020. Before working for Hope Walks, she worked in the Austrian Embassy. She holds a degree in Economics from Haramaya University and a degree in Christian Counseling from Evangelical Theological College. In her spare time, she enjoys studying God’s word, praying and visiting family.

Henok Negash

Counseling Coordinator

Henok has a passion for sharing the love of Christ. His favorite times are when he meets with families in the clinic and at their homes. He finds special satisfaction when these families find spiritual, as well as physical healing. He holds a degree in biblical counseling at Evangelical Theological College and has worked with Hope Walks since 2018. He and his wife just welcomed their first child in 2021.

Clinic List

  • Abebech Gobena MCH Hospital
  • Adama Referral Hospital
  • Adare General Hospital
  • Addigrat Hospital
  • Adola Hospital
  • Alert Hospital
  • Ambo University Referral Hospital
  • Arbaminch Physical rehabilitation center
  • Asossa Hospital
  • Assela Referral Hospital
  • Bale Goba Hospital
  • Black Lion Hospital Addis Ababa
  • Chero Zonal Hospital
  • CURE Hospital Addis Ababa
  • Debarek Hospital 
  • Debere Birhane Referral Hospital
  • Debre Markos Hospital
  • Debre Tabor hospital
  • Deder General Hospital
  • Dessie PRC 
  • Dessie Referral Hospital
  • Dilla Referal Hospital 
  • Dubti Referral Hospital
  • Felege Hiwot Hospital Bahirdar
  • Finote Selam Hospital
  • Gambela Referral Hospital
  • Gelemeso Hospital
  • Gode Hospital
  • Gondar University Hospital
  • Grarbet hospital Butajira
  • Halaba Kulito General Hospital 
  • Hawassa Refferal Hospital
  • Hiwot Fana Hospital Harrer
  • Injibara Referral Hospital
  • Jimma University Hospital
  • Jinka Hospital
  • Karamara/Jigejiga PRC
  • Kebridar Hospital
  • Kemisse Hospital 
  • Lemlem Karl Hospital Maichew
  • Mekelle Referral Hospital
  • Mettu karl Hospital 
  • Mizan Aman
  • Mohammed Akle Memorial Hospital (Awash)
  • Moyale Primary Hospital
  • Nekemt Hospital
  • Nigist Heleni Hospital Hosshaena
  • Sabian General Hospital Dire Dawa
  • Selale University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital
  • Shashemene General Hospital
  • St. Mary Hospital Axum
  • St. Paul Abet Hospital
  • St. Peter
  • Suhul Hospital
  • Tirunesh Bejing General Hospital
  • Woldiya Hospital 
  • Wolita Soddo referral hospital
  • Wolliso Hospital
  • Worabe Comprehensive Specialized Hospital
  • Yabelo Hospital
  • Yeka Kotebe Hospital

Ethiopia Partnerships

About the Country

Ethiopia is one of the oldest independent countries in the world, and the oldest in Africa. Uniquely, Ethiopia was never colonized, other than being briefly occupied by Italy during World War II. Located in East Africa, this landlocked nation is popular for their coffee industry.

Even though widely regarded as one of the most stable democratic countries in Africa, Ethiopia had years of unrest from 1974 to 1991 and is currently experiencing large-scale conflict in the Tigray region of the country. As a result of these times of unrest, it is one of the poorest nations in Africa, with more than half of the population being illiterate. 

Prayer Needs

Current fighting in Tigray region is causing hardship for many people. Several Hope Walks partner clinics in the area are not able to fully function as a result. Please keep this concern in your prayers. We ask for prayers that families would continue to seek treatment for their children with clubfoot. Pray for the continued strengthening of believers in Ethiopia.