Contact Information
Phone: +950436430
Social Media: @HopeWalksZambia2021
Clubfoot Population Enrolled
Enrolled Since the Program Began
Annual Clubfoot Births
Country Staff
Loice Chipere
Program Manager/Counseling Coordinator Zambia
Contributing to both the physical care of children with clubfoot and the spiritual care of their parents, all for the love of Christ, is Loice’s favorite part of her job. Loice works with Hope Walks as a Program Manager and Counseling Coordinator in Zambia. She has a bachelor’s degree in technology in business administration from the University of Africa, a diploma in practical theology from Victory Institute of Biblica Studies, and a diploma in nursing from Kitwe School of Nursing. When she is not working, Loice loves to write and sing with the aim of bringing encouragement to others.
Erick Munanyimbo
Clinical Supervisor
Seeing a child take their first steps is a special moment for many people, but for Erick these steps take on a whole new meaning. Erick serves with Hope Walks as the clinical supervisor in Zambia. Before joining Hope Walks in 2019, Erick worked for the Zambian Ministry of Health. He has a diploma in physiotherapy from the Evelyn Hone College of Applied Arts and Sciences. Driving and spending time with his wife and three children are what Erick loves to do most in his free time.

Clinic List
- Beit CURE Hospital
- University Teaching Hospital
- Kabwe Central Hospital
- Arthur Davison Children’s Hospital
- Kitwe Teaching Hospital
- Monze Mission Hospital
- Mansa General Hospital
- Chesire Homes
- Chilonga Mission Hospital
- Livingstone Teaching Hospital
About the Country
Becoming an independent state in 1963, Zambia began its political development under a one-party system, but in 1991, a new constitution generated more political freedoms. Although Zambia continues to be a place of ethinic and environmental diversity and peace, poverty affects over 70% of the population, while HIV/AIDS remains widespread.
Since 1991, Zambia has been considered a Christian nation. However, Islam is growing twice as fast as Christianity in Zambia. People who are trained in ministry are increasingly needed in Zambia.
Prayer Needs
With many facing poverty and living with HIV/AIDS, growth of healthcare and economic resources is crucial. Pray for the educators and healthcare workers in the midst of these crises. Pray that God’s kingdom will be advanced in Zambia, that the gospel will prevail and God will provide.