Nimrod in Kenya

Dennis and Nancy come from a humble background in Kenya. With two children and no regular job, life can be difficult. The birth of their second child, Nimrod, should have been a joy for this family, but when he was born with clubfoot, it only added to their troubles. 

Even though the delivery hospital referred the family to treatment, Dennis and Nancy were ashamed and unsure what to do. They decided hiding Nimrod was the best option. A visit from grandma changed everything. When she discovered Nimrod’s twisted feet, she encouraged Dennis and Nancy to take Nimrod to the Hope Walks partner clinic where the hospital referred them.

Nimrod’s parents acted quickly and were desperate to have his feet corrected before the community discovered his birth defect. But hiding a baby with casts is not easy. The extended family soon noticed Nimrod’s condition and wanted to chase Nancy away from home, believing she had brought a curse upon them. 

Each week, as clinicians applied new casts, Nimrod’s feet improved. And each week, the clinic’s parent advisor, Pastor Sereti, would pray over this young family. Dennis and Nancy could see God working in their little boy. 

During a home visit by Pastor Sereti, the family did not want to see Nancy. This wise parent advisor used this opportunity to educate the extended family about clubfoot and the treatment process. By the end of the visit, hearts had changed. The family now understood that clubfoot is not a curse but a treatable condition. They apologized to Nancy. On the verge of fracture, this family was now mended together in love. 

“God helped you, pastor, to pray for us and encourage us as our child was corrected, and now he is well,” Nancy said. “Now we are happy and can smile.”

Nimrod before his treatment began in Kenya

Pastor Sereti takes a selfie with Nimrod’s parents during a home visit.