Mahamadou in Niger

We cannot overstate the role moms play in the treatment process for their child born with clubfoot. Often, the tenacity of the moms to protect their children makes all the difference in the child’s life. So was the case for Mariama when her son Mahamadou was born with the treatable condition. 

Mahamadou was the family’s first child, but neighbors used to joke their second child would walk before Mahamadou. Clinic days were the toughest for this mom, who had to carry two children from their village to the main road to find a taxi. She wore her younger child on her back and would carry Mahamadou in her arms. The additional weight of the casts added to this mom’s burden.

She would wonder, “How long will the treatment last?” It was difficult for her to carry her children from their village to the clinic, even if only once a week. 

Mariama’s greatest joy came when her son moved out of the casting phase, and clinicians gave him a brace. Now people could appreciate the treatment, she thought. 

‘’I thank God, and I thank Hope Walks for paying the taxi fees and the treatment,” Mariama said. Before coming to the clinic for the first time, she was not aware that donor support would pay for her child’s treatment and maintenance process over five years. This tenacious mom never hesitates to share the joy she and her son have found with others.

Mahamadou after treatment