Jayson in Kenya

Both of Jayson’s parents are medical professionals. Jayson’s mom Grace is a nurse and his dad Jackson is a clinical officer. Even with a medical background, they were shocked when Jayson was born with unilateral clubfoot. They had never seen or heard of the birth defect, let alone know where treatment could be found.

Grace fainted when she first saw her son’s clubfoot. She could not believe her child was born with a birth defect. Later she cried for days and could hardly be consoled until a friend who worked at the hospital told her where treatment could be found.

The friend referred the family to the Association for the Physically Disabled of Kenya. This terrified Grace who thought her child was a special and complicated case. She worried she and her husband would not be able to afford the treatment to straighten her son’s foot. Little did she know at that time that the treatment process is quite simple or that there would be no cost to her family. 

“We are medics but didn’t know what to do with our son.” the parents said.  “The parent advisor at the clinic supported us emotionally and spiritually until we were back on our feet in accepting the reality of clubfoot, and that it has been corrected.”