Maaz in Zambia

When Maaz?s family emigrated from India to Zambia in search of a different life, they faced many challenges. However, they never anticipated that their youngest of three sons, Maaz, would be born with clubfoot further adding to their struggles. But help was closer than they imagined.

The father, Abdullai, works as a manager in a factory, and his wife, Najrane, is a stay-at-home mom. When their family back home learned of Maaz?s disability, they demanded they return to India to find treatment. They believed a specialist from India was needed to correct Maaz?s feet. Determined to make their new life in Zambia successful, Abdullai and Najrane refused but instead looked for treatment in Zambia. Abdullai?s boss directed them to the University Teaching Hospital and the clubfoot clinic.

Not only did they not anticipate treatment would be available so close, but Maaz?s parents were also surprised at how quickly they saw improvements in their son?s feet. That meant returning to India would not be necessary. Today Maaz walks free of disability and is able to run, kick balls and play Cricket just like his older brothers.

Caption: Maaz, first from right, enjoying some brotherly love.