Bilhah in Kenya

Fear and doubt gripped the hearts of Sarah and Japheth after their daughter Bilhah was born with clubfoot. Unsure how to care for their little girl, Bilhah’s parents feared treatment would be expensive and spent time doubting the success of the healing process. 

After reassurance and guidance from their midwife, the family sought treatment. Sarah remained consistent in attending Bilhah’s appointments and was elated to see the progress being made. Each week following their time at the clinic, Sarah would call Japheth while he was at work to communicate their daughter’s improvements. 

What they once viewed as a burden was now a reason for celebration. Fear of the unknown was overcome through the help of Kakamega clinic, a Hope Walks partner. Strengthened by the prayers and encouragement of their parent advisor, Sarah’s faith grew while participating in the weekly devotionals.

Today, thanks to the support she received from friends, family and donors, Bilhah is in the bracing stage. Her mother is grateful for the consistent support from the parent advisor who walked beside her throughout the entire journey, even when she doubted correction was possible. 

Bilhah before treatment with her mom

Bilhah on braces