Pierre in Burkina Faso

Emilienne and Naraogo moved to the Ivory Coast from Burkina Faso to make a better life for themselves. But when their little boy Pierre was born with clubfoot, neighbors told the family to return to Burkina Faso to make sacrifices to remove the curse. 

Naraogo spoke his mind, saying, “It’s no coincidence. Someone has a grudge against me.” This is the only way he could explain his son’s clubfoot. This dad sent his wife and son back to Burkina Faso to consult with traditional healers on the best path forward.

But some family members knew about a child with twisted feet like Pierre. They knew medical professionals healed this child at a Hope Walks partner clinic. They gave Emilienne and Naraogo the blessing to learn more about this treatment available in Burkina Faso. 

Despite now being in Burkina Faso without her husband, Emilienne was faithful in following the treatment process with her son. Pastor Edmond, the parent advisor at the clinic, encouraged this mom on her own. The pastor used a tool called KidStory to engage families in the gospel message. As a result, this mom came to Christ. Now Pierre is in the bracing stage.

Pastor Edmond even visited this mom in her home village, where Pierre’s grandfather was the chief. This act of caring touched the grandfather, who made no secret of his delight on the day of the home visit. He said, “If you submit your problem to people who know God, you’ll find the solution.”

Pierre in the bracing stage (left) and standing on straight feet (right).