Clever in Rwanda

At 5 years old, Clever is an active child. He runs, jumps and plays like other kids his age. In fact, his life seems so normal now that it is hard to believe that he was actually born with clubfoot. 

Living in a culture that vilifies physical disability, Clever’s parents tried to hide him from their neighbors as much as possible after he was born. Thankfully, they did not need to keep up with the habit for long as they soon came across a television program about clubfoot and learned about available resources offered by Hope Walks. 

Clever’s parents wasted no time enrolling him in clubfoot treatment at a Hope Walks partner clinic, where he received weekly casting as part of the correction phase of the Ponseti method. Improvements to Clever’s foot started becoming visible after his third cast, and by the time he received his sixth cast, his parents were convinced that clubfoot is treatable and decided to baptize him. 

“Everything is possible in the name of Jesus Christ,” Clever’s dad Munyampirwa said. “Obey him and follow his ways and you will be protected.” 

After receiving his seventh cast, Clever was ready to move on to the bracing phase. His parents diligently kept up with all of his medical needs. 

“Since 2015, our parent advisor has called us at least once a month to check in with Clever’s condition and to remind us about bracing protocol,” Clever’s mom Dusabimana said. 

About five years since the day of his first appointment, Clever now joins the ranks of … other Hope Walks kids in Rwanda as graduates of clubfoot treatment. At last, he and his family are free from the burden of clubfoot.