Hope and healing

Hope and healing

Alain in Rwanda Nobody wants to be rejected by those closest to them. But, this is the reality for many families of children with clubfoot. Family and community members feared Alain and his family, calling clubfoot a curse. They believed association, let alone looking...
Blessings not burdens

Blessings not burdens

Jonathan in the Ethiopia Sometimes, parents of children with clubfoot are told to seek healing through ways not involving medical treatment. Jonathan and his parents in Ethiopia were advised to get holy water from churches, use heat from sunlight and use traditional...
Finding the right path

Finding the right path

Sahily in the Dominican Republic Even though Beris and her husband Yaisy had access to ultrasounds during her pregnancy, they say the doctors never noticed, or at least never mentioned, that their unborn daughter Sahily had clubfoot. But there was no doubt something...
Call the midwife

Call the midwife

Ibrahim in Burkina Faso Boukare and Safieta were devastated when their son Ibrahim was born with twisted feet. At that time, they had no idea it was clubfoot. Hiding his feet when visitors came to their home became a common practice. But a midwife in their village...
Never alone

Never alone

Ivan in Malawi Taking care of a baby is challenging enough, but when her child was born with clubfoot, that added to Catherine’s stress and worry. She was told she must keep Ivan’s casts clean and dry as much as possible. This made it difficult for her to clean up...