We want to inform you about a situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), specifically in the city of Goma, that is impacting our clubfoot clinic. Government and rebel forces have been fighting for control of the city. As a result, one of our largest partner clinics with HEAL Africa is closed.
Delayed treatment with weekly casts risks the chance that a child’s feet will relapse, so any interruption can be detrimental to the healing journey. Even if the clinic can open quickly, many families still may be unable to get to the clinic due to the danger of traveling.
In this special edition of Tuesday 2, we talk with Bernard, our program manager in the DRC, to hear how the current unrest is affecting the program.
Any struggles like this make our job more challenging. We ask for your prayers for the people of the DRC, the families we serve and our staff. Pray that the families we serve can quickly resume treatment without further complications so their children can have the opportunity to have a clubfoot-free future.
The Hope Walks team in DRC is preparing to resume our operations in this conflict area as soon as it is deemed safe. Your financial support allows the team of staff and parent advisors to promptly resume treatment, follow up with families throughout the crisis, and provide transportation assistance funds to families that otherwise would not have the means.