Give monthly by the end of October and see your gift doubled – 5 times!
Thanks to a generous donor, everyone who become a monthly donor to Hope Walks by the end of October 2020 will have their gift doubled, not once, not twice, but five times! Gifts will be doubled each month until February 2021 when the matching gift ends.
Become one of our Clubfoot Crew and help support kids with clubfoot in Latin America and Africa year round!
With a monthly donation of just $36, you will be providing enough support to fully treat one child each year.?
Hope Walks is a community driven by dignity and compassion for vulnerable children and their families committed to ending the treatable disability of clubfoot through local health partners. We show the love of Christ with tangible actions, not just empty words. Join us in this mission of hope and healing.
Giving outside the US? Click here
Hope Walks is accredited by Excellence in Giving, ECFA and GuideStar.