Fundraiser FAQ

Thank you for considering creating a fundraiser to help kids walk free from the burden of clubfoot. Before you get started, you may have a few questions. Here are some frequently asked questions.

Where will the money my friends and I raise go?

All money raised will be part of our Giving Tuesday campaign to support the treatment for kids with clubfoot in Latin America and Africa.

Why do these kids need this support?

Every three minutes, a child is born with clubfoot. Left untreated, walking will be difficult or impossible for these kids resulting in a lifetime of challenge and shame. The families we serve are unable to afford the minimal cost of treatment.

How much does clubfoot treatment cost? 

It costs about $500 to heal a child born with clubfoot. The feet are first corrected using weekly casts for about 5-8 weeks. A minimally invasive procedure called a tenotomy cuts the Achilles tendon to allow the foot to stretch properly right before the last cast is set. After this final cast, the child will wear a brace until about the age of five. When you consider the huge impact treatment has on a child’s life, as well as their family, we think you will agree the cost is extremely minimal.

Why have I never seen clubfoot?

Children are born with clubfoot all over the world, including the United States. The difference is the treatable birth defect is usually identified and treated quickly in countries that have the resources available.

What experience does Hope Walks have with clubfoot?

Hope Walks has provided freedom from clubfoot since 2006 to more than 140,000 kids in 16 countries. And we do it all while sharing the love of Jesus Christ throughout the process. We work with in-country staff and partners to provide treatment.

Can you offer any suggested language to use when sharing my fundraiser with friends and family?

Sure! Here is a suggestion:

Hope Walks is a mission near and dear to my heart. This organization provides clubfoot treatment for free to kids in Latin America and Africa. Without treatment. These kids will face a lifetime of extreme challenges with walking, earning a living and leading a “normal” life.

I’m raising $500 to support the full treatment process for one child. Will you help me? If you have never donated to Hope Walks, your gift will be doubled for a limited time thanks to a generous donor. The $500 we raise could actually be doubled to $1000, allowing two children to be healed.

When should my fundraiser run? 

These fundraisers are part of our Giving Tuesday campaign to raise $29,500 by the end of the day on November 30. That’s what it would cost to treat all 59 kids born in one day in the 16 countries where we serve. However, you may want to consider running your campaign for a shorter period of time. Two weeks is typically a good period. 

My donations are coming in slow. Any suggestions? 

Don’t post your fundraiser once and expect that will be enough. Remember that your one post was just a momentary blip on your friends social media feed. Repost several times to make sure it doesn’t get buried in the bottom of news feeds. 

What if I don’t meet my fundraising goal?

No worries. Do your best. Every little bit will help.

Do you have a match in place?

Yes! Thanks to a generous donor, we have a $250,000 match grant in place for a limited time. All new donor gifts will be DOUBLED! Be sure to share that with friends and family who may never have donated to Hope Walks.

Who should I ask to donate?

The possibilities are endless. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Your next-door neighbor
  • Your brother or sister
  • Your kids (Hey, you’ve given them plenty over the years)
  • Your hairstylist or barber
  • Your Bible study
  • Your boss or co-workers
  • An old high school friend

How can I show the impact my friends can make? 

There are a number of great resources on the Hope Walks website, including a video about Jayson, a little boy in Kenya who recently graduated from the clubfoot program. Click here to watch. 

I’m ready! How do I create a fundraiser?

Creating a fundraiser is extremely easy. Simply click the button below and complete the form. The entire process only takes a minute or two, and you’ll be ready to start promoting your fundraiser immediately.