COVID and Clubfoot: Stories from the front lines

Ishimwe is a little boy in Rwanda with clubfoot. His treatments were going very well until COVID-19 struck. With public transportation shut down in the country, his mom Dinah could no longer take her son to the clinic by taxi for his weekly castings. Ishimwe?s dad Emmanuel had an amazing solution you won?t believe…transporting his son and wife to the clinic and back on a bicycle in one day. That’s a total of 80 miles roundtrip!

Yes, you read that right. Ishimwe?s parents were so pleased with the progress they saw in their son?s feet that delaying treatment for even a few months was unthinkable. Because the clinic opens at 9 a.m., the family wakes up at 3:30 a.m. to start their journey and returns to their home around 6 p.m. on clinic days.

Ishimwe in his casts and Dad, Mom and Ishimwe on their way to the clinic.