Advent means “coming” or “arrival.” As you prepare for the coming of the King this Christmas season, please join us for an Advent series of devotionals written by Hope Walks staff from around the world. This year, we look at the four Sundays of Advent (Hope, Peace, Joy and Love) through the Psalms.

Hope Walks wishes all of you a joyous Christmas season. We pray these devotionals will touch your heart and offer a moment of reflection during this special time of year.


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Fourth Sunday of Advent - Love

For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.
PSALM 100:5

The ancient Hebrew word translated as steadfast love in this verse is Hesed. It is a word that carries a much deeper level of meaning than our modern English word, love, which is why it is usually translated in varying ways depending on the Bible translation one is reading. Some examples include steadfast love, faithful love, mercy, unfailing love, or loving-kindness. The additional qualifying descriptors are meant to relay the enduring, never-ending nature of the love being described in the word, Hesed.

This kind of love is displayed for us in Christ’s birth. A birth promised to and awaited by all generations before (Genesis 3:14-15) to the benefit and joy of all generations afterward, including us today. The Hesed love of God always endures, is ever faithful, full of mercy, and is fulfilled in the gift of Christ Jesus to the world (John 3:16).

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of Jesus to the world. He is the ultimate fulfillment of your love, mercy and faithfulness. This Christmas season, may we all surrender to and thereby receive grace and mercy from your Hesed love for us. Amen

Jeremy Macias
Monitoring & Evaluation Program Officer

Third Sunday of Advent - Joy

My lips will shout for joy, when I sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have redeemed.
PSALM 71:23


This Psalm is mainly attributed to King David in his later years while he experienced the rebellion of his son Absalom. All his long life, David had refuge in the Lord, who rescued, delivered and saved him from the snares of his enemies. 

In this verse, David showed his gratitude to God not hypocritically or superficially but with his whole self and personality in glad thanksgiving because God rescued him from death. Not his mouth only, but his heart and spirit will “rejoice” or “sing out God’s praise.”  His lips and tongue, song and speech, shall act in concert in the praise of God. His lips will use words expressing his soul’s happiness and gratitude.

King David believed there was no genuine praise of God, his Redeemer, unless it came from the heart; therefore, he promised to delight in nothing except in things that glorified God. That is the kind of praise that would bring him the greatest satisfaction and the greatest pleasure.

In this Advent season of deliverance accomplished through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, David is teaching us to joyfully join our body, soul and spirit in praising our Savior who forgives all our sins, heals all our diseases, redeems our lives from the pit and crowns us with love and compassion forever and ever. Let’s shout Halleluiah to the GREAT SAVIOR, the KING of kings and LORD of lords, from the depths of our hearts!

Dear Lord, may the joy of the Advent season fill our hearts. It is easy to feel this joy during such a time. May we feel the joy at all times of the year, and in times of persecution as David did. Our true joy only comes from you.

Moutari Malam Saddi
Regional Manager, Africa

Second Sunday of Advent - Peace

The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.
PSALM 29:11


In these challenging times in which we live, where hatred and evil abound, I can say that my Dominican Republic has become very insecure. Crime, femicide and hitmen have become very common. Despite these challenges, the Lord blesses his people with peace during the storm.

Jesus Christ is our Peace. He promised in his word that he would bless his people with Peace. As children of Light and not darkness, we must make Christmas a time of Peace. Like in Romans 10:15, how beautiful are the feet of those who announce the good news?

I remember in December 2022, I went to visit an aunt in a field in San Juan. While we were sharing, they talked about a man who his children had abandoned, was dying, and had no one to feed him. I went to see this man at his house. The condition of that 98-year-old man was unfortunate. He had not eaten anything all day, so we made soup to nourish him. While the food was prepared, I talked about the love of Jesus and the hope of recognizing him as his Lord and Savior. The man smiled and said he loved Jesus. It wasn’t long after the visit that the older man went to be with the Lord.

Jesus teaches us that the punishment that brought us, Peace, was on Him! (Isaiah 53:5) Hallelujah, how good the Lord is. Let’s encourage ourselves to give the gift of Salvation and Peace to everyone around us and make this Christmas a time of Peace and love for those who live without consolation, hope, and love. This Christmas, may the Peace of Jesus Christ, that Peace that surpasses all understanding, surround us all.


Dear Lord, you give us peace in supernatural ways even when we can’t understand why we feel so peaceful during trying times. We thank you for the grace you have given us and the peace that fills our hearts. 

By Ivelisse Sanchez
Program Coordinator, Dominican Republic

First Sunday of Advent - Hope

God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. 
PSALM 62:5-6


David trusted God so much that he surrendered his life to Him alone. David uses several words to describe the trustworthiness of God.

He is my Rock: God is the sturdy ground supporting a home or the mountain that rises above the floodwaters. David had built his life on this firm foundation. Strong faith in God is like standing on a solid ground that cannot be shaken.

He is my Salvation: David knew what it felt like to be surrounded by people who did not wish him well. God had delivered him time and time again from a boasting giant called Goliath, from a jealous king Saul, and also from the usurping son Absalom. God saved him from what looked like certain doom. As Christians, we face several challenges in our lives, including sickness. By the essence of being alive this day, God has saved us from various problems, and he continuously our salvation.

He is my Fortress: Nothing feels as safe as a city with a strong army and walls when the marauding armies invade the countryside. God is the one that David ran to when his enemies or even his sins attacked. God surrounded him with a strong defense.

God is indeed our Rock, Salvation and Hope. He has been a strong foundation and our shelter during life storms. Sometimes, we wonder if God is with us and aware of what is happening to us when worldly problems overwhelm us. But the Lord shall guard our hearts by filtering our emotions, desires, thoughts and responses through his word.


Our heavenly Father, we thank you for always being with us.  I pray that the life and worries of this planet Earth should not erode us and cause us to crumble but strengthen our hearts to know that with hope and trust in God, nothing can break us. Amen.

By Raphael Chitani
Program Manager, Malawi

Thank you for being part of our Advent devotions. Today, we focused on love. Please consider becoming the source of love for a child born with clubfoot. Our goal is to bring hope to 600 more children by the end of the year and offer them a Bright Future.