What is Clubfoot?
Clubfoot is a deformity present at birth that twists the foot downward and inward, making walking difficult or impossible. While it cannot be prevented, it can be corrected using a relatively inexpensive treatment process called the Ponseti method.
Clubfoot Causes
We don’t know exactly what causes clubfoot, but we do know it’s not because of something the parents did. Unfortunately, in many of the places where we work, mothers are usually the first to be blamed for the condition. Family and neighbors often incorrectly say the deformity results from unconfessed sin, a curse, a character flaw, doing too much hard labor, or a variety of other local beliefs and traditions. Some of our most important work is spreading the word that clubfoot can’t be prevented, but it CAN be treated at one of our local partner clubfoot clinics at no cost to the family.