Hope Walks is part of RunFree2030, a movement whose vision is a world where every child born with clubfoot can walk, play and run free. This campaign, with your support, works to do the following by 2030.

  • Access – Ensure all low- and middle-income countries have national clubfoot programs and comprehensive clubfoot care available for all babies.
  • Quality – Ensure high-quality clubfoot treatment is provided. 
  • Integration –  Ensure clubfoot programs are integrated into the existing national health system for long-term sustainability.

Our Goal

All children born with clubfoot will have access to timely, high-quality and effective care.

Learn more about the global strategy.

What is clubfoot?

Clubfoot is a treatable birth condition that twisted the feet inward and downward. Without treatment, a child will grow up disabled severely impacting their life. Medical professionals can treat clubfoot using the non-invasive Ponseti methods of casts and braces. 

RunFree2030’s goal is to make sure no children are left behind. You can be part of the solution by support clubfoot organizations, such as Hope Walks.

By the numbers

  • 200,000 children are born with clubfoot each year.
  • 90% of children born with clubfoot live in low- and middle-income countries.
  • 80% of those children cannot access treatment.
  • Less than $500 is all it takes to treat a child born with clubfoot.

The work ahead…

  • 850 new clubfoot clinics needed to reach campaign goals by 2030 (based on the average of 40 new babies enrolled per clinic).
  • 2,500 additional clinicians trained in the Ponseti method needed by 2030.
  • $100 million additional investment needed by the global community between now and 2030 (on top of current investments) to reach RunFree2030’s milestone of 50% coverage.

Get involved in the movement!

Post on Social Media

Download and print signs for RunFree2030 and World Clubfoot Day and take a photo of yourself and friends wearing yellow – the official color of World Clubfoot Day! Show your pride in helping more kids walk, play and run free! Tag Hope Walks and use hashtags to amplify your message.

Tag us! @HopeWalksOrg

#RunFree2030 #WorldClubfootDay2024 #ClubfootIsTreatable #PonsetiMethod #EndClubfootDisability #ManyFeetOneMovement #WalkPlayRunFree

World Clubfoot Day – June 3

World Clubfoot Day is celebrated on June 3 each year in honor of Dr. Ignacio Ponseti’s birthday. Dr. Ponseti was a Spanish-American physician who developed the technique of casts and braces to correct clubfoot. For this World Clubfoot Day, clubfoot organizations are relaunching the RunFree2030 campaign to re-energize global efforts to end clubfoot.