
Stuff a Stocking – Change a Life!

Ordering Deadline: Dec. 13








Does your family really need another pair of socks or a tie this Christmas? Who wears ties anymore, anyway? But kids in Africa need a brace to walk free from the burden of clubfoot. Fill your friends’ and family’s stocking this year with something that will make a lifelong difference!

This unique gift includes a pair of leather and paint pens for them to unleash their creativity.

Once we get your friends’ or family’s painted leather, our busy little elves will ship them off to Africa where they will be turned into a life-transforming brace for a child born with clubfoot.

Once completed, they’ll get a photo* of their artwork turned into a true thing of beauty to help a child with this treatable disability. 

Stocking Stuffers are shipping now! The deadline for ordering Stocking Stuffers is Friday, Dec. 13, 2024.

Looking to host a party instead? Visit www.hopewalks.org/PaintHope for details any time of year.

*Adult contact information is required to receive a photo of the completed brace.

Stocking Stuffer Order Form

Make a minimum $20 donation and Hope Walks will send you a stocking stuffer bag with one pair of leather and several paint pens. Stuff it in your favorite stocking for Christmas, paint it and send it back to us. We'll get it off to Africa faster than a team of Santa's reindeer where it will be turned into a life-transforming clubfoot brace. We'll even send you a photo of your masterpiece once completed. Complete the form below, hit the submit button and you'll be taken to a donation form to complete your transaction.

"*" indicates required fields

Adult Contact Information

We may only send finished brace photos to adults 18 or older.
Phone Type*
Price: $0.00
Where should we mail your Stocking Stuffer?*
When will you send the donation for your Stocking Stuffers ($20/per kit)*
If donations are sent via mail, please write "Stocking Stuffer" in the memo line of your check and send it to Hope Walks, PO Box 218, York Springs, PA 17372. Thank you!
How did you hear about Stocking Stuffers?
If you have any additional questions or comments, please complete this section.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.